Memaw, Cotton Hill, and store bought teeth on the beach in Cabbo.
On King of the Hill, Cotton Hill is the crotchety old, shin less war vet. He pissed somebody off bad enough to deserve a bullet and graciously accepted this fate by grand pronouncement. His one request: Just not to the face, that's how I makes my money. (He’s in his 80’s and has no job.) I love that guy, He loves his grandson, Bobby. Well, I have decided to commit to something to help me with confidence, poise, communication, and (though I am full of it already) charm (debatable). I’m going to start saving for those expensive teeth that attach to your jaws.. $10k may take me a while, but I’ve made my mind up. I'd rather be old with a sparkly real smile I can share than a "Smile" emoji tap using a cell phone screen using a disinfected rubber thimble .... that could literally, LITERALLY launch the Space Shuttles or a bunch of Nukes from neighbors.
My memaw told me about getting her fake teeth. the dentist asked her if she wanted her dentures to have the gap between her top two front teeth so as to look the same. She said, “Nah! I want ‘em straight and spaced properly. If I’m going to pay for them, put them in my mouth and wear them til I die, you had better make them straight.” I loved my memaw so much. Without insisting, she let everybody think they were getting their way, when all the while getting what needed to be done, done. Without much fuss, what had and what should be, done. It always just seemed easier and way more fun with her, whatever it was.
Heaven in my heart, friends I got made fun of by “someone” with whom I spend a lot of time. The objection and source of her frustration was that I drive the speed limit. Let me repeat, I was verbally assaulted by a pretty girl I know for driving the speed limit. So, yeah. I’m proud to say I did not apologize or acquiesce.
I firmly insisted that if I don’t put the cruise on and stay mindful I will end up having to call my ticket lawyer again. It’s just better for me to set the cruise. So that’s what I do. Amidst the woes, a dude getting “too old” to go faster. So if it’s really just turtles all the way down, count me in. Slow and steady wins the race. Or the robots do. But I have my eye on them, as well.. At least the good one. I’m watching. Talking to you, robots.
I wrote that last sentence as an old man joke, but there are AI Robot Sensors and Detractors on the old superhighway now making sure we all mind “somebody’s sensitive sensibilities and simulations.” Wink wink. And yes, I winked at the screen when I typed those words. Someday Sammy Hagar will sing, “I CAN drive fifty five.” Ha