July 4th ish...
It's that time of year again. We are celebrating our independence. The date, July 4th, was neither the day the declaration was written (Some time in June). Nor was it the date it was signed (August 2nd). It was "agreed on" on July 4th 1776. I have no intention of voicing a declaration of my own in protest of the historical facts or the way in which we celebrate. I would however like to take a line or two from that declaration and discuss.
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”
I certainly hope I don't have to bring to attention that in this nation there is no standard of equality. This document was written while slavery was still the common practice. So they contradicted themselves from the start. I do however believe that with steady resolve, common sense, and a quick, clever, industrious mind that the US is one of the places individuals can overcome, achieve, and shine. However, there are inequalities which preclude this success including race, geography, health, social and economic circumstances. Many are born into poverty or find themselves unwarranted targets for hateful, prejudiced, narrow minded, vengeful people.
There is a disparity. I have a suggestion. Please indulge me. When I worked for the Crisis Respit Unit, people would walk on because they were either suicidal, having extreme hallucinations/mood swings, or were generally unfit to pay attention to their personal care due to their mental illness. For 12 years I considered it a flaw in many ways, the response by mental health practitioners. Often, but certainly not always, they were off their meds by choice or circumstances or abusing drugs. Either or both sent them into crisis.
The Crisis Unit's main goal was to house these folks for 72 hours or so til they were able to see the psychiatrist expedited due to condition. Often to have their psychotropic changes. Often in a major way. This process is not desirable. I changed about 4 or 5 times in 2 years before finding a suitable "cocktail." It is difficult, distressing, and can be destructive when it fails. I always thought that before we go changing the meds for those non-compliant or under the influence, we should clear their mind by treating the addiction, and or getting them back on the meds prescribed in a controlled responsible way to see if the lapse was due to neglect to follow the treatment regimen or substance interference. Separate them from the toxic behaviours and reestablish/resume proper treatment before considering a change.
This is not the case with adverse reactions or uncontrollable environmental stressors. That's WHY we have a respite unit. Unfortunately a select group has been known to use it for a "crash pad" after a binge or loss of residence not paying their housing costs. Not a blanket statement or absolute. There are legitimate service provision outcomes. People empowered, stabilized, reenergized. Grateful people. To summarize, if the current treatment hasn't been followed, try it seriously before committing the resources and struggles associated with these changes.
The declaration states that all are created equal and entitled to life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Statistically, this is not true. I believe that a competitive, capitalist economy and competition are healthy, but we have shortchanged and marginalized people in our efforts to have the most stuff. If we followed the policies prescribed in the preamble we could get ourselves back on course to a noticeable degree. I am not a politically minded person, but I know the law says murder is illegal and punishable. Stealing is against the rules too. I wish we could commit to "holding true" these inalienable rights. The pursuit of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.
I don't have policy or procedural suggestions to achieve this. It may not be possible considering how far the extremes go both ways. The haves and the have nots. I believe that we can find a way. I want to be proud of the prospect of the American Dream for anyone motivated to go for it. I don't want anyone else to suffer for anything I choose as my course in life.
We should all commit to the ideals that still hold true. Change what can and should be changed, right the wrongs, but whenever possible don't throw out the prescription before actually giving it a chance to work. Familiarize, acknowledge and incorporate the redeemable among the proposed and outlined during the formation and infancy of this land. There were some good people with good ideas. But not all of them. So be careful. We are not a land of equality yet. I look forward to the day we are. Be safe, be well, and be kind.